About Us

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Hooked Productions was founded in 1999.  Many years of traveling revealed that we were hooked on living the life we loved most. Living on the road with sunshine and music as constant comapions. The adventure of living deeply and passionately with friends, family, nature, and music seemed a life not only desirable but necessary and attainable.

Our business and merchandise have constantly evolved, bringing us to the present, where we live the life we love and love the life we live in upstate New York. Together, our family runs Hooked Productions from start to finish, constantly learning, loving, and growing.

About Live the Life You Love, Love the Life You Live®

We created Live the Life You Love, Love the Life You Live to encourage and inspire everyone to live deeply and enjoy all life’s moments, count blessings, and give thanks rather than spending life wishing for more. Hopefully, it serves as a gentle reminder for all who are inspired to do more, to live happier, active, and healthier lives, and for those who want to chase their dreams, blaze the path, and joyfully explore the glorious world at their feet or across the ocean.

By promoting this ideal one person, one consciously created garment at a time, we hope to inspire others to live the life they love and look and feel good while doing it.

About Our Offerings

At Hooked Productions, we create our own concepts, images, and garments. Our sustainable bamboo and organic cotton clothing is designed for ultimate comfort and consciousness, promoting a progressive message for a joy-filled life.

We are consciously aware of both the environmental and economic impact of importing goods from overseas countries. For these reasons, Hooked Productions strives to manufacture sustainable garments that are made in the USA, and printed using the most environmentally responsible practices here in upstate New York. Although it costs us more, sacrificing profits is more important than compromising our environment and economy.

With a Little Help from Our Friends

Cari and Brenden continue to pour their love into Hooked Productions. They often work on all aspects of the business, from the conception of design and fabric to sales and distribution. Along the way they have enlisted some amazing lifestyle technicians to help promote the message, share the dream, and live the life they love.

With a little help from our friends, we are bringing the message to the masses across the country at various music festivals and transient marketplaces. Please stop by and say hello if you see them in your travels.

We are always open to making new friends, hearing new stories, and finding inspiration by sharing ideas with people far and wide. By living the life we love, we are all making the world a happier, if not better, place. You can always find us here, on the road, or in a unique boutique near you.

Additionally, you can follow our travels on Facebook or email us.

Contact Details

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 323
Newark Valley, NY 13811